For many in progressive Christianity or those deconstructing Christianity, what to do with the Bible can be a confusing topic. On Almost Heretical, we try to reexamine the biblical texts and treat them like we would an ancient text, since that is what they are.

Here are resources for discovering what the Bible really is, how the Bible works, who wrote the Bible and how the Bible can still have significance in our lives even if that looks very different than it used to.

“The Bible” doesn’t exist

Shelby Hanson (co-host of Almost Heretical) taught at Cascade Church in Portland Oregon on how the Bible doesn’t exist because “the Bible” is a construct. The formation of the Bible we have was a very human process with mistakes, updates, corrections, etc.

Canon Formation

How was the Bible made? How was the canon of the Bible we hold today formed? We did a series on Almost Heretical detailing how the canon of scripture came to be. We talk about “is the Bible inspired?”, “is the Bible inerrant?”, “is the Bible infallible?”